Mood changes - Vitality Hormone Center

Mood Changes

Mood changes refer to shifts or fluctuations in a person's emotional state. Moods can vary from positive feelings like happiness and excitement to more negative emotions like anger, sadness, or anxiety. Mood changes can result from both internal and external factors.

Common internal causes of mood swings include:

External mood influencers can include:

Mood changes are often temporary and resolve on their own. However, very extreme, persistent, or frequent mood swings may be signs of an underlying mental health disorder, like major depression, an anxiety disorder, or bipolar disorder. Diagnosis and targeted treatment, like medication, therapy, lifestyle changes, brain stimulation, or self-care strategies can help manage problematic swings in mood.

If you or someone you know experiences severe, uncontrollable mood changes, especially coupled with risky behaviors or difficulty functioning, professional support should be accessed right away. Resources like mental health hotlines, community health centers, school counselors, and therapists can assist in challenging cases. With proper support, even significant mood disturbances can typically be stabilized.

If you have concerns about hormonal imbalances or mood changes, consider consulting with the professionals at Vitality Hormone Center for an evaluation and personalized treatment plan.

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